Hi all, Here is an exemple of Standard Licht N°5032 by 100HK without marking. This litlle lantern wich can be used is complete with original glass and is in good shape. The original glass diameter 74 mm height 100 mm and the model deposited by Schott & Genossen Jena here:PETROMAX NUMBERS (thank you Wim) The jet is marked 100HK the K on the right is glued on the H typical of the time. The nozzle is engraved 100 Germany. In France the reseller of the unmrked Standard Licht lanterns was Hernest Koppel Forbach he was reselling the model N°5032 named "Standard Baby" the advetissement here: L'Escargot : campeurs du Touring-club de France Thank for sharing. Regards, Titoo.
Hi Matthias, Yes in France. The little piece of paper next to spare parts written by hand by the owner at the time to retain the conditions to turn on and off the lantern. Regards, Titoo.
You need to teach us some of your lamp finding skills Titoo! Another beautiful beautiful lamp, well found and well presented. Thank you for sharing. James