Just thought i would share my latest buy - Ultra rare Coleman 335 from 1976 in Chrome and with the rare No. 4 (K-20) red glass globe. Some very light swirls in the chrome as should be expected. No dents or repairs. Hope you enjoy the pictures Cheers Darren
@Kiwiboy00 I had contacted the seller when the lantern was first posted. If you notice on the base there is still some green paint left in the lettering and on the rim. She thought I was making it up. I have a similar one to yours and mine still has green paint around the label and a No.4 globe. It's still a good looking lantern. Mike
Hi Mike still waiting for it to arrive, i also noticed this what you pointed out, what are your thoughts buddy ?
I dont fully understand, so you think it’s factory standard or been green tank stripped down sprayed?
I have read that Tilley painted over plated tanks if they had slight imperfections and I've even found one myself... an old 246b with peeling red paint. When I stripped it there was a shiny speculum playting underneath! I think it was quite common for all manufacturers to do this rather than waste materials.
Come to think about it i wonder if that could of happened. Just weird how it has few green areas. Bloody hope not cost me small fortune. Always hard to tell when you’re buying on the other side of the world and you only got photos to go off
You could always ask for info or opinions here before taking the plunge. The only thing we will not discuss is price, and of course links to live auctions are not allowed.
@Kiwiboy00 Maybe I should have posted something here when the lantern was listed. Did not dawn on me until just now. Also the tank should be nickeled not chrome. Not unusual to paint over plated or brass founts. You just have to be careful when looking at the photo's Like I said I contacted the seller and she thought I was full of it and then stopped responding. Mike
Thanks Mike, when i receive the lantern i will be able to check it over a lot better. So I’m guessing this, but do I just run my nail over the green flake on the edge of the rim, or whats the best way to check if thats the case.
I don't know about "ultra-rare" - there are at least two of them in my shed here in GL. Plain glass though...
@Kiwiboy00 I spoke to Mike at Old Coleman Parts about this and he leaves the paint alone so any the buyer knows what the original finish was. I do the same. Mike