Hello, This lamp came to me from Italy. It is a 200 cp lamp. The support frame and hood are made of sheet iron. The thread insert in the tank was torn out. The carburetor top is too big and too long. Is PETROLAM the brand of the lamp or just the manufacturer of the carburetor? Regards, Reinhard
The brand is Petroflam. I have the same lantern. It has the same logo on the filler cap and a complete embossing on the valve casting which should be Petrolamp but the P has been machined off your lamp. My lamp has the brand on a label riveted to the hood. I don't have a model number but I think it was made by O.L.M.A.S. (Officine Lav. Mecc. Apparecchiature Stagne) in Milan. ::Neil::
@Mackburner Thank you for the perfect clarification. The hood on my Petroflam looks a little different. I almost want to say Asian. @JEFF JOHNSON Thank you Jeff. You are the good soul of this forum. Regards, Reinhard
The hood may be different but that is just a minor variation and variations are to be expected in any production run. It may also have been replaced at some time. I don't know when these lanterns were made but it could easily be 50 years old and have been repaired with a Chinese top in that time which may explain why the Petroflam label is missing. ::Neil::
Yes the hood appears different from Neil's. Is it made of steel and chrome-plated or brass/nickel-plated? If its steel, you'd know its probably not original; I mean its unlikely anyone made similar Petromax-styled lanterns with brass bodies and steel hoods combinatinations.