Looks great but I always am suspicious when lamps only have a brand name without the brands logo. Look at the difference between the two lamps. Made in germany but wasn't Standart a swiss company ?
Hello Wim, The matter with the company Standard is a little odd, and information is hard to find: From 1907 on there was a company named "Standard Licht & Apparatebau GmbH", registered in Frankfurt/M, Germany, who manufactured various lamps & lanterns as well as other appliances. This company was then changed several times, last on June 1951, until it was transferred to the properties of a Swiss Entrepreneur in July 1965, and finally started to be liquidated in 1972. However, there was also a company named "Schweiz. Lampen & Metallwaren AG" in Zürich, Switzerland, who manufactured "Standard" lamps, lanterns and flood light projectors. Somewhen it merged with the Swiss company "Momento", and in turn this name became common for those lanterns with a torch preheater. But there is almost no exact date to find, and the information can only be retrieved from some dated catalogues. The Swiss entrepreneur mentioned above was also based in Zürich, Switzerland, and it is more than likely that he also had to do with "Schweiz. Lampen & Metallwaren AG". In addition, there must have been closer contacts between the two companies before, and one of their managing directors since 1965 was from Frankfurt/Germany. The company named "Standard Licht & Apparatebau GmbH" also seemed to have close cooperations with "Continental-Licht- u. Apparatebau-Gesellschaft" in Frankfurt, Germany, as well as with "Franz Zimmermann" in Mainz, Germany. Regards, Martin
@Martin K. , I always tought that the Momento addition like rapid with petromax, pointed to the rapid (fast) lighter. So you light your lantern in a moment(o).
Yes @WimVe, that "Momento" addition at Standard lamps pointed to the torch/spray preheater. But before there was also a own Swiss brand "Momento" registered with the same logo, who also sold lamps & lanterns. In the meantime I found out that the German company Standard must also have used parts that were supplied by Ehrich & Graetz. That's certainly why some of their lanterns look exactly like Petromax clones. According to some records in the book of Peter Süß, in 1942 this business relationship ended and no more parts were supplied.
Hello , I have a Standard 2045. You can clearly see that she comes from Zürich Switzerland. But where it was really made I do not know. Regards,Reinhard
Well that is not unusual when you own the brand. At a certain point in history Ehrich & Graetz owned the Standard brand as they did with the AIDA brand.
@WimVe: Neither in the Internet database of the DPMA nor at WIPO did I find any indications that the mark "Standard" had been (or was) registered over time with one of the various Graetz companies. Could you please tell me where I can find this information? On the other hand: On these pages I clearly found the information (which I used to know) that the trademark "AIDA" was registered on Graetz (last entry from 1986 is for Graetz Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH and has been deleted in 1998). Thanks, and Regards, Martin
@Martin K. , I will look for it. It was part of the story that after the depression in Germany, between the two wars a lot of lamp companies went out of business. E&G was one of the companies who bought the brands AIDA and Standard. There are not a lot of sources: The book of Hermann Lahde, Signal auf Grünn, Graetz Nachrichten, at least the early ones mentioned the Petromax relation. History of the permosserstrasse (HASAG), The white 100 year (?) aniversary E&G book.