Have fitted the mica globe and must say it looks good. Just one thing though, did Tilley make this hood without the hook for wire globe holder at any time or did it always have the hook so that the buyer could choose whether to fit glass or mica globe?
Jean, that looks perfect. I have never seen a 449 hood without the hook. The diagram in Jim Dicks book showing the AL88 (page 50) has a mica globe and you can see the tab. Interesting pump too. I assume that came with the lamp. ?? Does anyone know if the AL10s always came with the chocolate brown hood. Mine did but it has never had the top to it. I always assumed it was off an IL33 but seeing your AL10 has made me wonder.
AL10 should have the 449 hood in brown which has the top cowl. The 449 was used on EX lanterns as standard and there were probably some colour options so it is possible some AL10s had different cououred hood. The hood without cowl was the gallery for the do nut lamps and IL37 types. Mind you AL10s are pretty rare things so I have never seen more than half a dozen at most. ::Neil::
I was just looking at my images of AL10s Etc and I had forgotten that mine has a blue hood. Complete as found all I did to this was clean it. ::Neil::
What did I say about taking a liking for blue hoods? I’ve remembered though that I bought the lamp without a hood so obviously have added it myself, and I see that It came with a different pump to Neil’s. I have a few of that style so could easily swop ot.
I’ve had the AL10 for a few years Jeff and can’t believe I’ve just now posted a pic in the Lamp Gallery. Can’t remember where I got it either which is surprising as I usually remember where all my lamps came from.
Oh yes, that’s as blue as I’m feeling today. Got a stinker of a cold, coughed all night and feeling really sorry for myself. Only thing that would make me feel better is owning that hood Tony.
Neil, if you have a moment, could I trouble you to take a few key measurements of the mica shade on your AL10, please? Thanks for your help the other day. I eventually heard back from Fred Kuntz and he is asking whether the AL10 mica shade is the same size as the PL52 mica shade. The remnants of the shade on the AL10 I’m restoring are too far gone to measure accurately. Many thanks, Phil
Phil. Yes it's the same mica globe used on the PL52 lanterns. In fact I think the AL10 burner is a smaller 250cp but the 449 hood and 219 hood have the same fitter size. In fact I sent Fred the original Mica globe from my PL52 to copy and I know that fits the AL10 because I tried it on that lamp before I mailed it to Fred. So I know Fred has the dimensions 'cos he made a couple of these for me some years ago. Right now I'm not sure where my AL10 is. I will have a hunt tomorrow but in fact what you need are the dimensions of my PL52 globe because that is an original and the one on the AL10 is a Home made cut down lantern globe and not a Tilley original. ::Neil::
Neil, that’s fantastic. Thanks for the info and I’ll get straight back to Fred and place one on order. Many thanks, Phil