Hello, I have this lamp Italian Tirrenia missing the top . Inner casing complete Hood # 117 and # 123 of lamp which I can adapt to this? thanks to all
I have the only 905 200 OLMAS branded lamp I have ever seen OLMAS made Tirrenia and Docovus for sure, probably Petroflam and Petrolamp too. I have all these lamps and I can clearly see the same details all over. I have the same "Cofano" as karli and on the instructions sheet there is the OLMAS writing that confirms this document posted by onafest. Nicola
Hello Karli (and all of you, I am a newby here), I have a "Docovus 200 CP" (see attached image) that came "as is": no box, no accessories or manual. It seems to me pretty like your Tirrenia. Could you please post (or send me) a copy of your picture above of "instructions for use" and "Practical advice" at an higher resolution, suitable to be read and/or printed? Thank you in advance, Francesco
Ciao Francesco, ti ho scansionato il fronte e il retro. Dovrei avere un documento migliore da scansionare, ma sarà in uno dei miei cofani come quello di Karli. Ciao e benvenuto. Nicola