Hi All Just a quick note to say that i also make the Vapalux style spirit cups that slip over the vapouriser tube , they don't get lost & there are no wires to break & i have done three styles to fit all lamp types . They are all £7.50 Plus postage , The three types are the V72 for Vapalux lamps , T72 for Tilleys & TH72 for Bowlfires/R1's & Tilley BR49's 8) Best regards Stu PT me if you're interested
G'day @Allan Stu has not signed onto the forum since November 2018. So it might be better to contact him using a PM (private message). To do this click on their user name (seen to the left of one of their posts) this will bring up the profile page. Click on "start a conversation" in the centre of the page and take it from there. When you send a PM this should send an email notification as well (Depending on their settings) On the profile page it will sometimes tell you when they last signed onto the forum (Depending on their settings). I hope this helps.
@Allan I have emailed Stu and he said he will have a look in his stores but hasn’t made any recently. I’ll let you know when hear further. Regards Jeremy